Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Wonderful World of Cartoons

Author's note: After watching a cartoon with my friends little brother I decided to further investigate why they find such simple, unrealistic ideas as intriguing as much as they do. Every time someone would fall, Nick, Cassie's little brother, would burst out laughing and I didn't really understand what was so funny. In my piece I worked on using techniques such as metaphors.

Inside a kids cartoon you can do anything. Most likely nothing can truly harm you. Falling off a cliff will only give you some cuts and bruises, and when you are covered in filth, you can be sparkling clean by the shake of a head. You are indestructible.

Why do kids enjoy cartoons? It's simple. They love how the characters have fun and adventure, and they enjoy pretending cartoons are their world. Wishing that one day they could be like SpongeBob. Children enjoy going on silly and unrealistic adventures too. Or, they could be like Dora and be able to fend off evil by the key words, "No swiping!" Who wouldn't want to be able to discover treasures in less than thirty minutes?

How can a little kid watch the same exact episode repeatedly over and over and still have interest? The theme song of Wow Wow Wubzy gets nailed into my head after two times. The lines of the characters start coming to me at three and four times. Yet the kids seem surprised at every turn in the plot and are still intrigued when Wubzy played basketball for the seventh time that day.

Some of the younger audience actually looks up to these characters. However many of them adore the cartoon characters just because of their pink hair or funny tail. Would they still like Mickey Mouse if he were just a regular human being with mouse ears? Think it through. Would you still enjoy the shows if only the lessons and adventures were the same? I doubt it.

Stage one of their T.V. favorites. Adventure and silly characters, what will be next? Will they still love their old favorites? Or will they move on, and discover that the shows they used to love, are not as entertaining as they used to be?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

McDonald's Persuasive Essay

Author's note: I'm doing a project on McDonald's and had to do a persuasive writing piece for the week so I decided to write about the different types of McDonald's consumers. My main purpose was to follow the 5 paragraph essay format.

We all know that McDonald’s isn’t good for you. That’s a well known fact. However, could McDonald’s be healthy if you eat it in moderation? Some people believe that dieting and exercising are key if they want to eat at McDonald’s about once a week. Others, mostly kids, assume that they won’t get overweight from eating there 2-3 times a week. Nothing bad can happen to them, right? Then there’s the third type of McDonald’s consumer. The one who knows that having McDonald’s maybe once or twice a month isn’t so bad if they consider it as a treat. Which one are you?

The first type of person is the dieting and exercising person. It’s true that staying in physical shape by working out allows for minor faults like having a weakness for McDonald’s salty fries. They are so addicting, to some more than others. A diet plan also helps if you crave the greasy but delicious burgers for a treat after a long week. All these types of people just have to remember is that even though diets and exercise are great ways to stay healthy, McDonald’s once a week is still a little much. Maybe try swapping every other trip going to a sub place instead.

The second type of person is completely different. They don’t try to make a healthy life style; they just assume that nothing bad will ever happen to them. For most kids, and a lot of adults, this describes them perfectly. Kids are the ones who use the “I play a sport and I have a high metabolism anyway” excuse. Adults are more likely to use the “I don’t have time for anything else” excuse. There’s plenty of time to eat healthy if you find other fast service places.

Lastly, there’s the type of person who knows how much is too much. They realize that once a week is just not a smart choice. Maybe one to three times a month, counting it as a treat, instead of just a substitute for a home-made meal. These people tend to be healthier, cooking more at home or eating sandwiches instead of burgers, fries, and shakes. They have control over their food intake. These are the people that other people envy.

There are three types of people, those who think they have control, those who don’t care, and those who do have control. Which one do you want to be? Or more importantly, which one are you?