

Writer's Block

Author's Note: I was looking through my writing section in onenote when I stumbled across this short "poem" I wrote when I couldn't think of anything else. I decided to fix a few lines and post it for the sake of getting it out there. 

Writer's block
Will make you stop
You can't control
But truth be told
You might be able to work
Get over your quirk
Get help from a friend
Don't make it come to an end
Because inspiration can come
Maybe out of something "dumb"
But it's better than quitting
And it's better than sitting
And doing nothing instead.

Author's note: After experiencing this snowless christmas, I realized that I needed to express my feeling towards a non- white christmas. I chose to do a free verse poem to add to my poem page.

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
That’s what they say
Kids looking outside everyday
Hoping to see a trace of snow
So that you see their faces all aglow
But this year is different
This Christmas was green
Not how this holiday is supposed to be
We still had the cookies
The presents, the tree
But Christmas morning was not as magical as it used to be.

Author's note: The next poem I decided to do was a diamante. It's a poem that ends up looking like a diamond because of the following rules;

 1st line- noun or subject; one word
2nd line- 2 adjectives that describe line 1.
3rd line- 3 "ing" words that describe line 1.
4th line- 4 nouns (1st 2 describe line 1, 2nd 2 describe line 7)
5th line- 3 "ing" words that describe line 7.
6th line- 2 adjectives that describe line 7.
7th line- noun synonym for line 1.

Vast, Wide
Crashing, Swirling, Frightening
Salt Water, Sharks, Tadpole, Fresh Water
Calming, Relaxing, Chirping
Small, Peaceful


Author's note: I decided I should try and write several different kinds of poetry. I've done a haiku, and now I'm going to do an acrostic poem. An acrostic poem is where you take a word and describe it using only adjectives that start with letters in the word. Tell me what you think.

Students working                           
Classrooms full of knowledge
Learning everywhere

Authors note: I created this page so I would start writing more poetry. For my first piece I decided to do a haiku, which consists of seventeen syllables. 5 in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third.


Tales on pot of gold.
The end of a rainy day.
Beautiful colors.


  1. I think that your acrostic poem is short and sweet which could be a good thing. Maybe for next time you could write a more advanced version where you can create a paragraph with the words. Otherwise, Great Job!

  2. I think that your poem was very well written, next time in your authors note write what you were working on.
